Patriot Funds is a website created by experienced technology entrepreneurs.
- We are Veterans of the US Military trained in technology development.
- We have Disabled American Veterans from the Gulf War on staff.
- We have a combined 50 years experience developing, launching and managing technology projects world wide.
- We are Patriots who have the skills to combat the censorship by Big Tech.
- We are prepared to grow this website in line with the 1st Amendment
NOTE: This is brand new crowdfunding platform. We are beginning with DONATIONS ONLY and, as revenue and investments allow, we will eventually file our platform with the proper regulatory agencies to apply for Reg-CF ability.
ALSO NOTE: We plan to continuously develop and deploy updates and features to the site... again, as revenue and investment allows.
Our goal is to create a fundraising community where Patriot Projects can be funded by people who care about the rights of all.
We hope you find this site a statement towards freedom and liberty!